Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's all about me, me, me

Thanks everyone for the congratulations etc.

So my mum over at Pictures Speak Quietly has vaguely tagged me to say eight things about me. Clearly, inspiration is running dry, cos I decided to take on the challenge.

1. When I was at primary school, we were asked to design our gravestone. My epitaph read: "Here lies Frangelita, died aged 104, beloved mother of 13 children, died of exhaustion." Needless to say, my ambitions have changed somewhat since then.
2. I have a scar on the palm of my left hand where I grabbed some barb wire to climb underneath it. Highly sensible.
3. The only film which has ever given me nightmares was Childsplay.
4. The first album I ever bought was Parklife, by Blur.
5. The first film I saw at the cinema was either Masters of the Universe, or possibly Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
6. I had my first kiss at a New Year's Eve party at my parents' house when I was 15. It was rubbish.
7. I've had chicken pox twice - once I missed Father Christmas's visit to my playgroup and the other time I had to stay at home in bed on my birthday.
8. I've never been in a fight although I did slap a girl in the face once because she was irritating me so much. I immediately apologised.

More on that story later.


Blogger mig bardsley said...

5. Masters of the Universe
The first film I ever saw at the cinema was not Bambi (which I had been taken to see) but the preceding B film which was a disney wildlife film and is the reason I know that wolverines are a kind of weasel!
I expect you really wanted me to tell you that again :)
8. Not even with your siblings? Or doesn't that count?

5/11/06 11:41 pm  

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