Knowing when to sit down with your head between your legs.
So I gave blood today. Despite the incessant photography (err, I did it for work), the difficulty finding a vein (mine are rubbish) and the fact that I almost threw up when I saw the size of the needle, it went really well, I gave the requisite amount of blood in 4 minutes and 4 seconds. I didn't feel faint or throw up or anything.
Buoyed by juice and biscuits, I went home and started preparing a delicious meal.
About an hour later, while chopping onions, I felt a bit funny and collapsed on the floor in a rather embarrassing fashion.
The moral of the story? Never give blood when you have to go home alone and cook dinner.
I did finish chopping the onions, by the way.
More on that story later.
Apparently I'm a slow bleeder (that's the technical term for it, I'm sure) so on my third time giving blood, and the third time I'd taken about half-an-hour to fill their plastic bag, they told me not to bother to come back again.
Result! I get to feel morally that I've done all that I can, without having to suffer the trauma anymore.
I've been blacklisted from giving blood.
The one and only time I gave blood, everything went well until they asked me to sit up and I blacked out. This kept happening every time I tried to sit up. It was three hours before I was allowed to even be moved to the squash and biscuits section. They've refused my offers ever since.
Frangelita, if you give blood again, remember: NEVER EVER drink alcohol afterwards... unless you want to be tipsy as soon as you try your first pint...
I gave blood this week too and, for the first time, from the right arm. Never again - right-arm vein is apparently very narrow and they had to pump my arm up so my hand went purple. I had to resort to thinking about my bank balance to raise my blood pressure sufficiently to produce anything more than a vague trickle. I'm insisting on left-arm extraction next time.
Yeah, my arm went an attractive purply colour too. The fact that I had the whole experience documented by my newspaper's photographer probably didn't help too much.
I started babbling about nothing in particular and giggling manically to myself. Apparently they do want me back, though.
We'll see...
What's nearly passing out and possibly losing more blood as you stab yourself with an onion soaked knife compared to the knowledge that you just helped save lives? Congrats Frangelita! The rest of the world will only see your brave face as you gave blood - they'll never know about the floor you ended up on - and this will encourage others to follow your lead.
You're a hero (and yes, even hero's come close to fainting).
Can a knife be soaked in onion? That would make the eyes water.
Well, I suppose drenched in onion juice? The blood of the onion some might say.... hmmm.
Oh my God! All too much for you by the seems of it. Next time, if you aren't totally put off altogether, make sure you have someone to nurse you through the after-effects of your good deed, chick!
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