How to spend a lazy Sunday
There's this thing my work sponsors called the OX5 run. It involves lots of crazy people running five miles around Blenheim Palace while grinning inanely and raising money for charity. All very worthy, obviously. Anyway, because we sponsor it, lots of people from my work were running it - they even asked me, which shows how much they know about me. Obviously I politely declined. But seeing as many of my colleagues, and also my best friend who has an unfortunate tendency to throw up after extreme physical exertion, were going to be making fools of themselves on the course, and Jason Donovan was going to be there, I debated going along to laugh and point.
However, at the same time, there was a wedding fair (also, as it happens, sponsored by my work - where do they find all the money?) and it occurred to me that at some point I ought to make at least one plan for the wedding.
As it turned out, the decision ended up being made for me as I neglected to pay any attention to the fact that the clocks were going forward and got up far too late to do OX5. Probably best.
So, the wedding fair. I mostly went in the hope of getting some awesome freebies (one can hope) but I've got to say, I felt like a bit of a fraud. At every single stand, they asked me my wedding date, if I had a location, or numbers of guests. Hmmmm. I really need to make some decisions. I knew when I went to the fair that I had no intention of using any of the services (way out of my price range) but I thought it might give me some ideas (not to mention free sweeties). When the cheesy disco man was telling me about how we could present him with a list so we knew every song they played, I contemplated telling him my fiance was really into Norwegian death metal. Wish I had, really.
But despite this slightly depressing experience, I ended up with a couple of ideas. After the fair, my friend E, who had accompanied me, told me about this little RC church she had seen while jogging and we decided to go check it out. And it's really sweet, good location, Oxford but not too Oxford. And it has a garden. There is also a church hall I keep seeing that I really like the look of as a possible reception venue (I told you the £3.50 budget, right?) so we went to look at that as well, and it has definite potential along with a sign on the door saying it can be hired and has kitchens etc. Maybe now is the time to approach the parents and find out exactly what my budget is going to be....
More on that story later.
Labels: Jason Donovan, running, wedding fair
Oops...parents suddenly called away! I did say we'd make it up to a tenner didn't I?
which pretty little oxford-but-not-too-oxford church? there's so many cute churches.
we still havent met up. seems a bit silly, i'm sure i must almost bump into you at least five times a week without realising it. & i kept eyeing up that tiny dancers gig but didnt go in. i saw what must have been their coaches outside during the day though - both with big yellow parking tickets on them. honest to god, oxford traffic wardens think they are the new police force.
anyway - naturally, i'm bringing this up whilst at my family home on my (well-deserved, i swear!) easter break, and not in oxford at all. but you know, still - we should say hello. or at least do a pre-arranged bumping into each other sometime soon.
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