Friday, February 23, 2007

Freeze frame

There's this really cool moment in some films where you freeze frame on
someone's face the first time you see them and you get a little voiceover
telling you a bit about them. I wish they had that in real life.
On my first day, one of the senior management came up to me to show me
round and I asked him if he was one of the reporters. That was probably
excusable. But I've been here 6 weeks now, and, because I am a hack and
other people need to know my name for bylines and such-like, quite a lot of
people are on first name terms with me.

Unfortunately, the same thing cannot be said about me. Of the people who
smile, nod, and say "Hi Frangelita" in the corridor while I'm walking the
seven miles to the nearest loo, I only recognise a fraction of them. Then
some of them I sort of know who they are - because they've come and asked me
about my stories - but as for their names, I have no clue. I've never worked
anywhere with so many employees before - except for one leading supermarket,
where I was the fruit and veg girl (no jokes please), but they got around
that difficulty by handily wearing little name badges with job descriptions
and everything.

I think felt-tip pen on foreheads would work just as well, though, maybe I
should suggest it.

It's a bit of a wee minefield, though, I could very easily say the wrong
thing to the wrong person. I'm not equipped for office politics, as I said
before, I'm not good at the lying.


Blogger Dave said...

I can't remember names, but am quite good at faces, so I can smile at people who I ought to know.

May I just say the typeface for this post is a bit small for your more mature readers.

24/2/07 10:55 am  
Blogger frangelita said...

I'm not quite sure what happened there, I don't remember asking it to do anything different. I think it may be to do with them forcing me to go Beta.

24/2/07 4:05 pm  
Blogger mig bardsley said...

You'd need to write bigger than this on the foreheads or tyou'd all be going around peering at each other's heads with magnifying glasses!
Do let us know what you say to the wrong person :)
(Oh and would you like to have your cold back? you seem to have left it here)

26/2/07 1:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the blog that you have. I was wondering if you would link my blog to yours and in return I would do the same for your blog. If you want to, my site name is American Legends and the URL is:

If you want to do this just go to my blog and in one of the comments just write your blog name and the URL and I will add it to my site.


1/3/07 8:27 pm  

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