Thursday, February 15, 2007

I am rubbish

I realise I haven't been publishing much. It's partly because I am living with friends and it's a bit rude to be constantly using their computers. And partly because I'm a bit poorly-sick and very tired with it.

But mostly cos I'm out having a wicked cool time in Oxford. It's bloody ace. Managed to blag me guestlist for a Just Jack concert which was very cool. Although no-one I tell that seems to know who they are - trust me they're ace. Also there were birthdays and Valentine's Days and an ill-advised dance move which ended up with me spinning around on my back on the floor in an almost elegant but mostly silly fashion. I did also have to go to a six and a half hour council meeting which yielded all of 250 words.

Anyhoo, I'm mid-watching ER which is bitchin' as always. Peace-out.


Blogger mig bardsley said...

Aaw! Poorly sick, poor you.

Get better soon

16/2/07 1:48 am  

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