Saturday, March 31, 2007

Highs and lows

I didn't become a journalist because I thought it would be glam. In fact, what I most wanted to do when I decided to sign my life away to a barely above minimum wage existence, was go and risk my life reporting on wars and such like. I suspect that's unlikely to happen now, but you never know.

Anyway, in the course of my last job, I think there was only one slightly showbiz encounter, which was when I met and interviewed Atomic Kitten. I also interviewed various mid-league horse-racing celebrities, but seeing as I didn't know who most of them were, it doesn't really count.

My new job has much more showbiz potential. Without even talking about the whole super-cool gig reviewing stuff (note to self - must write that review before I go out tonight), I've already interviewed a Hollywood actor and a really rather famous children's author. And today, I'm waiting for a call from a rather well-known chef.

Thing is, I suspect he's only going to call me once. And I have been instructed to eek as much information out of him as possible - even though he's not actually from Oxford and the only reason I'm speaking to him is because his niece, who does live in Oxford, is running the marathon and he will be cheering her on and contributing to the Oxford charity she's running for. So I need to be on the ball. But I need to go and have a shower. And do various other things. And I was going to have another attempt at getting a wicked cool rock chick top. What if he calls then? Very difficult. Still not sure what I'm going to ask him. Maybe some advice on what I should cook for dinner tonight?

Anyway, that should be at least a bit cool. Less cool, having to be at work at 8am this morning and working like a blue-arsed fly because for some reason all the computer systems were going down at noon. And just to reassure you I'm not getting too big for my boots, I spent an hour hanging around outside a homeless shelter the other day. And this afternoon I went on a much-hyped protest - to which approximately 12 people turned up to. Thrilling stuff.

More on that story later.

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