Hair today, gone tomorrow
With all this exciting action going on in my life, I decided it was time to dye my hair again and as it seemed to work fairly well last time I did it, I bought the permanent stuff instead of the semi-permanent.
I think dying your hair must be like child-birth in that immediately after having done it, the benefits make you forget how hellish the experience was. Let's just say that this particular brand of hair dye was supposed to be applied to dry hair which you then pile on top of your head and leave. Any mixture on the skin has to be wiped off with a damp towel. But what with my hair not being wet, it wouldn't just pile neatly, it kept falling over my face and smearing great big rusty brown marks all over my nose. And little strands wiping bloody looking stripes on my shoulders. The pack said don't dye your hair while wearing contact lenses so I took them out - meaning I couldn't see a bloody thing. I ended up getting red on HFs favourite trousers (at which point he stormed off and refused to help me anymore) and getting so annoyed with not being able to touch anything (dyed gloves, you see) that I ripped off the gloves meaning my hands are now rather pinker than they ought to be. Well, oranger, actually. And it took me bloody ages to get all the dye out of my hair and by the time it did, I was convinved I had knotted up my hair so nicely half of it would fall off before I could get a comb through it.
Ha! It's a miracle that conditioner stuff. I wish I knew how it worked - does it just make your hair super slippy so that it just falls out of knots? If anyone knows, do tell.
The dye is rather, err, redder than I expected. In that it's actually the colour on the box and HF will not only be able to pick me out of a crowd but also spot me from space, should he happen to go there. I think it's festive.
The worst of it is that because it's permanent, it won't slowly fade, I'll get roots and I'll have to do clever touch up stuff. Maybe I should just shave it off. It would save on shampoo.
More on that story later.
Pictures Frangelita, pictures!!!
You scarlet pixie, you!
(you realise I probably won't recognise you!)
Dying (sic) gets easier the more you do it, so eventually you can sit tapping away at your keyboard with hair piled on top without a hint of splurtage...believe me when you have as much grey as I do, you'll soon perfect it :)
Dying (sic) gets easier the more you do it, so eventually you can sit tapping away at your keyboard with hair piled on top without a hint of splurtage...believe me when you have as much grey as I do, you'll soon perfect it :)
You brought me back to my youth (many years ago) when I used to henna my hair, then I started to go grey and the grey bits would turn out bright orange.
So I went grey gracefully (ish).
My She-Cub used to destroy the bathroom with stuff, no amount of haranging could stop her, and she had the most beautiful bright red hair anyone could wish for, but there's that thing about youth being wasted on the young.
Oh - and congratulations on the new job.
Yes indeed, PICTURES! I'm sure it's not quite as "RED" as you think.
Congrats on all the great things that have been happening in your life lately.
Frangelita: I use nail polish remover to get dye off my ears and nose.
Lupa: I did NOT destroy the bathroom! I just tinted it. Nobody ever noticed but you and Bald Eagle anyway.
Ah the destruction of bathrooms by dyeing teenagers :)
I think you did a blogpost about that didn't you Mig?
Annie - you got hair dye on your nose? That's impressive. What effect did the nail polish remover have anyway? I would have thought it might have a negative effect on freckles...
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