Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Coming down

Please don't interpret this as me being depressed. I'm just recovering from my very mad party.

It was bloody brilliant.
There was pass the parcel.
There was a large quantity of fabulous presents.
There was an even larger quantity of amazing and bizarre masks (and some less so).
There was a still larger quantity of alcohol consumed.
There was a brief but quite bizarre moment when all the men took their tops off at my random request (I didn't think they would actually do it but I thought it was worth a go).
There was lasagne which I was reliably informed was quite delicious but didn't feel like eating until it was all eaten.
There was lots and lots of cheese. And cake. Mmmm.
There was dancing and some games which did not seem particularly popular - apart from pass the parcel, which was a major highlight of the evening.

Oh, and there was a rather memorable recreation of the video for Queen's I Want to Break Free.

I took numerous pictures but they are with Boots at the moment. I am afraid that one of my highly mature friends may have taken a photograph of their arse. Oh well, all my friends have brilliant arses any more.

Speaking of arses, I was wearing my black trousers the other day which I hadn't worm in ages 'cos it's been the wrong sort of weather and there were huge baggy areas where my bum and thighs used to be. Seriously, how big was my arse?! Alternatively, I suppose HF could have been kindly taking my clothes and stretching them in the night to make me feel a bit better. You never know.

One of my friends got me a giant teapot (well, not really giant, but far too big for just one cuppa) in the shape of a fairy cake. I think I shall go and fill it with tea. Then find something naughty like yummy birthday chocolates to go with it. Mmmmm.

More on that story later.


Blogger hannah said...

Happy birthday!! sounds like you had a great party too, and great news about your arse!!!

27/9/06 12:41 am  
Blogger Karen said...

Yep, sounds like you had a blast and congrats on the bum loss! Stupid question though...what's this "pass the parcel" thingy you mention.

27/9/06 3:45 pm  
Blogger frangelita said...

Karen - it's a child's party game where a gift is wrapped with lots of layers of paper, you pass it round and when the music stops you open one of the layers.

27/9/06 8:37 pm  
Blogger mig bardsley said...

There's an inflatable budweiser, some nurofen and a half full lemonade bottle you might want back some time :)

7/10/06 1:59 am  

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