Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just when everything was going so well...

So Thailand has had a peaceful, democratic government for the past 15 years.

Naturally, three weeks before I decide to go there for the first time, having spent the best part of 500 smackeroonies on the flight, there is a military coup.


My flights are, by the way, non-returnable. And no travel insurance will cover you for terrorism or acts of a warlike nature.


However, according to my friend and yours at the Foreign Office, there is no immediate threat - the coup happened without a single shot being fired and it all seems relatively calm. I am bloody well going to Thailand unless there are foreigners being shot in the street. And I'm going to enjoy myself, smile and flirt a little with any passing military rather than weeing my knickers at the sight of a tank (hey, I sat on a bus full of armed 18 year olds in Israel for six hours with no odds, I can do this).

Straight afterwards, we discover that Thailand is in the process of moving all its flights to its new airport - all of my travel info relates to the old airport. Ace.

And to make it worse, some toerags broke into HFs car when it was parked outside his work in an industrial estate and attempted to set light to it. For the record, they did a pretty shit job, leaving no trace of a blaze except a slightly melted pen, some singe marks on the seat and a burnt piece of paper. Well, and the smashed windows I suppose.

So what next? My left boob falls off unexpectedly in the shower, just when I'd bought a new bra? I turn up to my house for my 25th birthday party only to discover I've left the keys behind and no-one can get in?

Oh yeah, I'm 25 on Saturday and am planning to celebrate the occasion by getting horrendously drunk and dancing naked on my parents lawn while chanting loudly and tunelessly to the new Scissorsisters album (if no-one has got me this, I will be sad). Oh, okay, so I probably won't do all of the above. Probably.

More on that story later.


Blogger mig bardsley said...

Please Frangelita not the chanting. The drunkenness, nakedness and the dancing , fine, no problem, the neigbours will love it. But chanting? Tunelessly? we'd never live it down.

22/9/06 1:34 am  
Blogger Dave said...

Good lord. My children are 25 on saturday week. I can now look on you like a father figure.

22/9/06 7:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, to be 25 ....

22/9/06 9:00 am  
Blogger Nina said...

mmm.. new scissor sisters album is great. if nobody buys you one you should get it yourself. I mean you don't turn 25 every year.

22/9/06 12:30 pm  
Blogger Karen said...

It's been so long since I saw 25...

My brother's mother in law, who is from Thailand, is supposed to be heading back there in early November and has been watching the situation very closely. She doesn't appear to be too worried for her own safety or for that of her family who lives northeast of Bangkok. There's a lot to be said for the fact that it was a "peaceful" bloodless coup. Your trip (hopefully!) shouldn't be a problem, just keep your eyes open and just don't flirt with the former prime minister!

22/9/06 1:41 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

why do people burn cars in Suffolk?

you sure you're not in Israel anymore?

i'm interested to know, if - just if - your left boob did fall off - would you still consider dancing naked in the lawn where people set cars a blaze?

i've to say this change a lot of what i think you're like.

22/9/06 6:59 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

and oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAY, (it's saturday here).

now go dance!

22/9/06 6:59 pm  
Blogger Kyahgirl said...

oh gosh, I hope your Mum has her handy dandy camera on hand for the dancing part!!

Happy Birthday Fran!

22/9/06 10:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scissor Sisters album arrived Monday, is v.g.

Happy Birthday! (just squeaked in there with five minutes to go...). You *youth*, you.

24/9/06 12:02 am  
Blogger Lorna said...

Happy (belated) birthday! I hope you got the album...

26/9/06 2:32 pm  

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