And now the sun shines
I'm not generally speaking one to complain about the weather. It's one of those things in life over which I have absolutely no control so as far as I'm concerned, it's a bit of a like it or lump it situation.
But I have to say I am a little peeved that now, finally, we appear to be seeing a smidgeon of sunshine. Could we have had a bit of sun during Glastonbury when I was spending all week in a field? No. Or when I had a week off to do nothing in particular? No. Instead, now it decides it is the best time to be beautiful, warm and lovely. And I can't even enjoy these oh so pleasant evenings because I'm working late shifts all week. I could get a bit of morning sun I suppose, but that requires getting up early which I kind of resent when I'm working until 10pm. On the plus side, I had to spend about two hours in an airfield waiting for a record-breaking pilot to touch down yesterday evening and I'm pretty damn glad it wasn't pissing it down with rain then.
I'll just say one thing - I've got one more festival to go to this summer. It bloody better not be raining then.
More on that story later.
Labels: contrariness, rain, sunshine
Ah the English weather.
Very reliable.
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