Sunday, June 03, 2007


Okay, I'm bad, it's been a month nearly which is a loooong time. Not that too many of you seem to have missed me. Along with Malaysia, I've been tied up with a very dangerous internet programme called Facebook and, you know, work and stuff.

Suffice to say Malaysia was pretty cool, and going travelling with a bunch of journalists is probably a fairly singular experience. Here are some happy pix to keep you going

And just a couple more...


Blogger Dave said...

Well, I missed you. Fortunately, you seem to have managed to keep playing for us, particularly as you're vice-captain now. Four catches the other day!

4/6/07 7:46 am  
Blogger mig bardsley said...

Glad to hear you've kept up with the cricket at least!
Lovely pics and I've missed you too!

5/6/07 12:33 am  
Blogger mig bardsley said...

And you're still being bad!
But I forgive you cos it was nice seeing you and E at the market:)

11/6/07 1:31 am  
Blogger Liz said...

Brilliant place, isn't it? My Dad's from Malaysia, and I miss the place terribly - happily, we're going back in September. Oh, the food. Oh, the weather. Oh, the food. Oh the temples. Oh, the food. Oh, the jungle. But mostly, oh, the food.

Are those pics from Taman Negara? Really looking forward to reading more about your trip!

13/6/07 8:15 pm  
Blogger frangelita said...

You guessed right, Liz. It was absolutely fantastic - although I'm not sure I've ever sweated so much in my entire life. And yes - the food. I shudder to think how much I ate in those three weeks - it was all-inclusive buffet affairs for the most part...

I'm writing an article about it for my paper, so I'll send you a link when it's up on the web.

17/6/07 9:22 pm  

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