Thursday, January 05, 2006

Feeling better

I was going to write this post about how I was feeling much better than the other day.
Then I was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable sneezing attack. This seems rather unfair. I don't feel headachey etc anymore or ridiculously blocked up, but instead I am finding that I am sneezing an awful lot which seems to be rather painful to my throat.

Was thinking today about things I worry about - well, the new year is a time for hopes AND fears. This could sound a bit depressive, which I'm not, so I'll try and keep it to the more humourous ones.

I'm afraid that...

-I'm actually fatter than those people I secretly gawp up and think 'cor, he/she's been eating a few too many pies'...
-I'll wake up one day, never having written any books but having spent all my life saying I'm going to write a book...
-Someone will publish my book but no-one will buy it and it will be destroyed and made into road surfacing...
-My book will be published and universally panned and I will forever be known for having written something so dreadful...
-I will continue to grow at my current rate until one day I take over the whole world instead of being merely the size of a small house...
-One day, driving along in my car, all four wheels will fall off and I will die in a terrible accident...
-All my friends secretly dislike me but carry on hanging out with me cos I'm so damn persistant...and cos I can do backflips...
-I'm actually more boring than the people Iwith whom I switch off mid-conversation...
-My belief in my own various abilities has been fostered by doting parents and secretly I'm a bit shit at everything (I'm certainly no good at football)...
-I'm going to wake up one dayand find I'm knee deep in nappies and have inadvertantly become a smug married with heaps of children and be unable to speak about anything other than their EXTREMELY BORING habits...
-If I want to lose weight I may have to stop eating cheese...
-An electric cable is going to fall down as I walk under it and electrocute me...
-The damp in my house will spread until I develop a terrible case of consumption (or whatever it is you get from damp) and die slowly and painfully...

Oh well, you need to have some dark to make the light look brighter.


Blogger mig bardsley said...

Oh write woman, write! You know you can. Your parents never doted (promise)to that extent and teachers don't go in for doting. Nor newspapers. Nor competition judges. Write the first sentence NOW! (I assume you're at work). You can change it tomorrow.
Go Frangelita, go!
And what's this 'book'? You mean books, dozens of them. so what if one or two fall by the wayside.

Of course you may have to give up cheese :)
Ooh, woonc! I can't get this one wrong surely?

I don't belieeeve it!

5/1/06 11:51 pm  

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