Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Moving onto cheerier topics, I am going to answer any number of questions about me that nobody has asked. That's the point of blogs, right?

Okay, here goes.

If I could learn one new skill, I would like to be able to breakdance and spin on my head. I go green with envy every time I see someone do it.

If I could meet one person, alive or dead, I would like to meet Jesus Christ. Come on, even you atheists surely must have a few questions for him.

If I could change one part of my body, I w0uld change my elbows. They're surprisingly dry and shrivelled and look like small brains when my arms are straight.

If I could live anywhere, I would probably live somewhere in the UK, maybe in Cornwall by the coast - provided I had my own private jet so I could fly off somewhere exotic when it started raining. Again.

If I could be any animal, I would be a cat - lots of leaping, effortless elegance and the opportunity to lie around in the sun most of the time.

If I was on Who Wants to be a Millionnaire, my phone a friends would be: my Dad, my best friend E, HF, my colleague TM and the fifth place is open.

If I had to give up chocolate or cheese, I would give up chocolate.

I would rather be deaf than blind.

If I was told I could either have two perfect children and a loving husband or the career of my dreams, I don't know which I would choose.

If I was rich, I would rather hire a personal trainer and nutritionist to get into shape than have plastic surgery.

If I had crashed on a desert island with the cast of Lost I would have shagged Sawyer by now.

If I could be stunningly beautiful or mind-bogglingly intelligent, I would be beautiful - because you can study to improve your mind but plastic surgery always makes you look crap.

If I woke up one morning and found out I couldn't do backflips or the splits any more I would cry.

If someone offered me £1million if I let them shoot my cat, I would turn it down.

I would rather be happy than rich.

If I was offered enough money, I would definitely take part in medical research.

If I got run over by a car on my way home from work tonight, my first thought would be regret for not having written my book.

If I could be anyone, I would be me.

That's enough for now, I think. If anyone would like me to elaborate on the above, feel free to ask and I might. Maybe.

I expect this is full of spellings and literals, I've barely slept the last few nights.

More on that story later.


Blogger mig bardsley said...

You're already mind bogglingly intelligent. Beautiful? Beauty is a temporary thing for the vast majority of people...one day they'll all have to learn to do without it. Not being beautiful gives you a head start. and I mean beautiful, not attractive and nice to look at, which you are already also :)

Write your book!!!

And may you never wake up without a backflip or the splits in your bag :)


7/6/06 12:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frangelita, regular exfoliation and moisturiser would sort out your elbows madam. I have the same problem - comes from desk-leaning.

8/6/06 12:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go for brains over looks any day (which is just as well, really), on the basis that beauty fades and it's hard to make a stupid person more intelligent.

On the other hand if you're that stupid, you wouldn't miss being clever...

Hmm. Reconsidering now.

8/6/06 2:13 pm  
Blogger Tabby Rabbit said...

Good for you wanting to be you. Everyone has horrid elbows. Just don't look...

13/6/06 6:48 pm  
Blogger Kellycat said...

I've had to give up chocolate AND cheese on account of my migraines. Which one I miss the most depends on how hormonal I am at the time...

14/6/06 7:19 pm  

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