Sunday, June 25, 2006

Chaos reigning supreme at home at the moment. As you may have noticed, I am about to move house. We in fact pick up the keys on Wednesday. So in a burst of enthusiasm, I started filling boxes. Lots of boxes. Sending HF to have a quick count up, so far I have filled 20 boxes and 8 bags/suitcases of clothes.

Every time I filled a box or emptied a shelf I felt a fleeting feeling of triumph. Followed almost immediately by a sharp stab of panic at how much there still is to do. There are piles of boxes littered throughout the room. As I was filling them, HF kept warning me to make sure I didn't overfill them. Umm, some of them are really bloody heavy. I also don't understand quite how I've acquired so many videos/dvds and most particularly cds. I keep wildly trying to throw things away but can't bring myself to do it.

One thing I did manage to throw away is our old mattress. We took it down to the dump this afternoon (where a man laughed at me as I wandered around with a broken vacuum cleaner looking confused) . Believe it or not, the mattress I had been sleeping on for several years until we bought a new one about two weeks ago, actually folded neatly in half to fit into the back of my Fiesta. Mattresses aren't supposed to fold in half. I can't believe how long I was "sleeping" on that thing, I actually had bruises from semi-protruding springs.

Anyway, that's gone now, and most of my ornaments and books and stuff are now packed. None of my kitchen stuff is even slightly packed yet. I wonder how many things I am going to nervously smash before it all gets packed away. Especially considering my propensity for squeezing as much as possible into very small spaces.

Oh well, maybe I'll start now. Nah, I'll just watch the children's party at the palace instead, although I'm not loving the Dick Van Dyke impression so far.

More on that story later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frangelita, just accept now that at some point in the next few days you will cry.

26/6/06 10:31 am  
Blogger Holly said...

Good luck with the move...I know how you are feeling. I was still packing boxes up until about an hour before!! Oh, and I cried after we had packed the last box into the car, so sad!

26/6/06 4:17 pm  
Blogger Tabby Rabbit said...

Good luck - when I was packing up I had similar feelings and thought I was never going to clear it all up - then somehow I did!! Hang in there.

That mattress can't have done you any good!!

29/6/06 8:27 pm  
Blogger mig bardsley said...

All sounds as though it's going just as it should :) Well done so far. Rmember our old matress? i still have a scar where a protruding spring made a hole in me!

2/7/06 3:03 am  

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